About Hilari Wulfeck

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So far Hilari Wulfeck has created 71 blog entries.
16 03, 2021

OneNKY Alliance Funds Local Grants to Local Organizations Advancing Economic Mobility

2021-03-17T13:28:31-04:00March 16th, 2021|

A total of $30,000 in grant funding was awarded to CHNK Behavioral Health (Children's Home of Northern Kentucky) and GROW NKY courtesy of the OneNKY Alliance. The funds were made possible by the Truist Foundation, a member company of the OneNKY Alliance, a group of Presidents and CEOs of regional companies. Both CHNK and GROW NKY were recognized for their focus on economic mobility to students and families in Northern Kentucky.

14 01, 2021

Finding NKY’s Regional Voice

2021-01-14T23:45:45-05:00January 14th, 2021|

Enjoy the latest edition of the Northern Kentucky Market Review with information on OneNKY initiatives and the wonderful attributes of our community!

18 11, 2020

OneNKY on the Riverfront

2020-11-18T14:23:37-05:00November 18th, 2020|

Momentum continues in NKY with public/private development on the riverfront. Talent Attraction for Expanding Industry. An aligned approach to growth. Take a peek on just a few of NKY’s recent developments.

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