OneNKY® Summit Initiatives2025-03-19T07:29:41-04:00

The OneNKY Summit Series is an annual event that seeks to continue work in transforming NKY, sharing new data, creating a forum for lively discussion, and laying the groundwork for the upcoming plans and initiatives.

OneNKY Summit

Save the Date for 2025!

October 22, 2025

The OneNKY Summit Series, scheduled for October 22, 2025, is an annual event that seeks to continue the collaborative work of the OneNKY Community in transforming NKY, sharing new data, creating a forum for lively discussion, and laying the groundwork for upcoming plans and initiatives.

A Community that Demands Results Driven through Collaborative Action

Picture a community that desires transformation, demands results, and drives strategic change through action. Fast-forward to a healthy, vibrant community with a growth-oriented regional economy driven by educational excellence, social mobility, and a united view of the future.

You have identified the reason for the OneNKY Summit Series, conducted through outreach to OneNKY Alliance fellow growth organizations, community and business leaders, elected officials, and other stakeholder groups. The OneNKY Summit Series began in 2018 and is now an annual event. The intent is to drive OneNKY forward through transformative initiatives that offer tangible, measurable results, keeping the conversations moving forward as OneNKY becomes an even stronger part of this region and the Commonwealth.

Attending the OneNKY Summit

Interested in attending? Watch this page for registration information later this year or Contact Us any time.

To get a taste of what you’ll experience and/or catch up on the conversations, explore past Summit agendas and videos.


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