OneNKY News2025-02-10T23:30:29-05:00

OneNKY Alliance News

We have a lot going on, a lot to celebrate, and a lot more work to do. Bookmark this page to stay in-the-know and up to date on our initiatives, progress, research, and recognition.

Contact us with questions or to get involved.

Perfetti Van Melle named official candy sponsor of America’s River Roots Festival

March 19th, 2025|

OneNKY Alliance is thrilled to highlight Perfetti Van Melle USA as a proud sponsor of the OneNKY Zones at America’s River Roots Festival, coming to Cincinnati, Newport, and Covington on October 8-12. As the Official Candy Sponsor of the festival, Perfetti Van Melle will bring sweet treats and smiles in celebration of the vibrant culture, history, and community of Northern Kentucky. With its North American headquarters in Erlanger, this global confectionery leader has been a staple in our region for over 50 years.

OneNKY Center Tenant Tour

March 19th, 2025|

Many of the tenants, their staff, board members, and investors of the 10 organizations moving into the OneNKY Center this summer had the opportunity to tour the facility on March 11th! Thanks to development and construction manager Corporex Companies and our prime contractor Paul Hemmer Company for helping us coordinate the tour.

OneNKY Alliance Legislative Reception at OneNKY Frankfort

March 19th, 2025|

OneNKY Alliance recently held our annual Legislative Reception at OneNKY Frankfort. It was a wonderful evening of sharing the great work underway in the community inclusive of LifeSciKY; Linknky and the Breathe Easy Coalition with leaders focused on advancing the interests of Northern Kentuckians—efforts that will benefit the entire Commonwealth.

OneNKY Alliance to sponsor sections of America’s River Roots Festival

February 18th, 2025|

The OneNKY Alliance will play a significant role in this year’s upcoming America’s River Roots Festival, a celebration of the United States’ 250th birthday. Taking place from Oct. 8 to 12, the festival aims to celebrate the rich history and cultural significance of the Ohio River. According to a press release, the event is expected to attract one million visitors to the area, many of whom will travel from outside the region.

NKY Business Hall of Fame to honor four local leaders

February 18th, 2025|

Congratulations to our very own Karen Finan, along with OneNKY Alliance board members Amy Spiller and Paul Hemmer, Jr., and The Catalytic Fund Partner Jeanne Schroer, on being inducted into the 2025 NKY Business Hall of Fame! Your leadership, vision, and dedication have made a lasting impact on Northern Kentucky. Here’s to a bright and thriving future for OneNKY!

Take the OneNKY Challenge!

February 18th, 2025|

We invite you to TaketheOneNKYChallenge! Watch this video to learn more about creating systemic change within our OneNKY community. Reach out to to tell us what commitment you will make to #ChangingitUpinOneNKY!

2024 OneNKY Summit

October 23rd, 2024|

OneNKY Alliance will host its seventh annual summit Wednesday entitled Changing it Up in OneNKY: [...]

OneNKY Legislative Reception Held at OneNKY Frankfort

January 25th, 2024|

OneNKY Alliance hosted a regional legislative reception on January 18 at OneNKY Frankfort, located at 418 Capital Avenue, Frankfort, Ky. The gathering offered an opportunity for legislators and the OneNKY Alliance to further discuss the needs of the Northern Kentucky region, specifically through unity, health, and education initiatives.

2023 Summit Series Videos

November 9th, 2023|

OneNKY Alliance Board Recognized for Unity Award

September 15th, 2023|

OneNKY Alliance Board was recognized on September 14th with the Unity Award, an award that honors an organization/company that has shown leadership in bringing the Northern Kentuckians together for change.

EducateNKY Announces new President and CEO

May 24th, 2023|

EDUCATE NKY was incubated and launched in 2023 by the OneNKY Alliance to address positive systemic change in education throughout Northern Kentucky, with specific focus on underserved and underperforming school districts.

Summit Series Podcast on September 14th

September 28th, 2022|

OneNKY Alliance kicked off the Summit Series last Wednesday with the OneNKY Community Conversation Podcast with moderator, Michael Monks. Great community discussion will be continued at the OneNKY Summit on October 26th from 2:30-6:30pm.

LINK Media

October 27th, 2021|

LINK Media, a new multi-media platform specifically focused on news, information and entertainment created for Northern Kentucky and led by talented, media professionals including Lacy Starling, Chief Executive Officer, Michael Monks, Chief Content Officer and Mark Collier, Chief Operating Officer. The OneNKY Alliance incubated this effort over the past 18 months, noting the need for a stronger voice given the media void in the market. Northern Kentucky University, NKY Chamber and the Horizon Community Funds will join the Alliance as appointments to the governing board.

Moon Shot for Equity

October 27th, 2021|

The Moon Shot for Equity program customized by education firm EAB and introduced by Northern Kentucky University and Gateway Community & Technical College. These local institutions are partnering with Miami University and Cincinnati State to take significant and measurable steps to close equity gaps within regional clusters of two- and four-year colleges and universities by 2030. A Challenge to create similar measurable efforts in NKY’s business and health sectors was issued, as work on Diversity Equity and Inclusion continues.

NKY At a Glance

October 27th, 2021|

NKY At a Glance – This new series will provide community information enhancing knowledge and voice within the NKY Metro. Northern Kentucky University research team provided the initial segment focused on structure and spending with more programming to come in 2022.

Kenton County Tax Portal Pilot

October 27th, 2021|

The Kenton County Tax Portal Pilot led by Judge Executive Kris Knochelmann bringing efficiency and convenience to the collection of business tax and fees. The pilot will begin with area realtors in early 2022 with the intent to expand to the business community once vetted. Through its ease of use and high-tech access, the portal has regional application.

OneNKY Frankfort Summit Video

October 27th, 2021|

OneNKY Frankfort, an existing facility offering presence and identity for NKY was featured as the community continues to pursue resources and recognition in Frankfort and Washington DC. Within walking distance to the Capital, the facility offers co-working and event space. Opened in 2020, the facility has been frequently utilized by various growth organizations, business, and community leaders.

OneNKY HQ Summit Video

October 27th, 2021|

Plans continue for the OneNKY HQ facility bringing together growth organizations with a stronger, more unified identity as an economic growth driver. The 34,000 square foot facility located at the foot of the Roebling Bridge in Covington, will house the NKY Chamber, Tri-ED, meetNKY, Catalytic Fund, Horizon Community Funds and the OneNKY Alliance.

OneNKY EDUCATION Supporting Session held 9/14/2021

September 14th, 2021|

The OneNKY Summit Series continued this week with the Education Session. Our keynote speaker for Education, Brigitte Blom, Pritchard Committee, in concert with the panel moderated by Randy Poe, Northern Kentucky Education Council provided a data-rich base line view of Early Childhood, Connections to Competencies and Educational Advancement/Opportunities.

OneNKY GROWTH Supporting Session held 8/31/21

September 7th, 2021|

Compelling data and discussion successfully drove the August 31st Growth Session as part of the OneNKY Summit Series thanks to many who participated. We are passionate about our community as we Build towards our 22nd Century OneNKY!

Take a Tour of our OneNKY Frankfort Property

August 24th, 2021|

OneNKY Frankfort, located at 418 Capital Avenue, offers a branded location where Northern Kentucky sponsoring organizations and businesses and community can convene, strategize, and provide collective impact. Within walking distance of the Capital, use of the facility offers an opportunity to provide a consistent presence and unified voice on important issues. Come take a tour of the property with us!

OneNKY Alliance Funds Local Grants to Local Organizations Advancing Economic Mobility

March 16th, 2021|

A total of $30,000 in grant funding was awarded to CHNK Behavioral Health (Children's Home of Northern Kentucky) and GROW NKY courtesy of the OneNKY Alliance. The funds were made possible by the Truist Foundation, a member company of the OneNKY Alliance, a group of Presidents and CEOs of regional companies. Both CHNK and GROW NKY were recognized for their focus on economic mobility to students and families in Northern Kentucky.

Finding NKY’s Regional Voice

January 14th, 2021|

Enjoy the latest edition of the Northern Kentucky Market Review with information on OneNKY initiatives and the wonderful attributes of our community!

OneNKY on the Riverfront

November 18th, 2020|

Momentum continues in NKY with public/private development on the riverfront. Talent Attraction for Expanding Industry. An aligned approach to growth. Take a peek on just a few of NKY’s recent developments.

COVID-19: What Can You Do

April 13th, 2020|

In the next week or so, Boone, Campbell and Kenton County residents will receive the following mailer, which is pictured below, summarizing recommendations and links related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It contains helpful information and guidance, and is worth keeping as a reference tool.

NKU CEAD Economic Conditions – April 2020

April 13th, 2020|

NKU’s Center for Economic Analysis and Development (CEAD) is taking the lead, with assistance from Tri-ED, in working with cities and counties on revenue forecasts given the pandemic and its economic impact. Senior Direct Janet Harrah of CEAD has prepared an overview of current economic conditions in NKY and the greater region in the following report.


April 2nd, 2020|

YOUR 1NKY Growth organizations and key economic drivers continue partnering to identify and implement key alignment strategies and action plans for the community good during this health pandemic. There is a regional opportunity through the Greater Cincinnati Foundation (GCF) and United Way of Greater Cincinnati (UWG) COVID-19 REGIONAL RESPONSE FUND. You can donate online or text RAPID to 91999. This Regional Response Fund will support the communities and individuals most negatively affected by the health, economic, education, housing, and social impacts of the coronavirus.

Coronavirus Relief Fund – Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky

March 31st, 2020|

Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky is quickly launching a new fund to support Northern Kentuckians facing increased crises or needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Relief Fund will provide flexible financial assistance to nonprofits serving Boone, Campbell, and Kenton counties in Northern Kentucky that are experiencing increased demand for resources in response to the COVID-19 virus in our community. More information about the Relief Fund, including how to donate, can be found at

NKY Chamber Day in Frankfort

March 12th, 2020|

Congratulations to the NKY Chamber of Commerce on a successful day in Frankfort! We enjoyed having the group stop by the 1NKY Frankort property. This daylong event was filled with opportunities to hear directly from the members of Legislative Leadership and the Northern Kentucky Legislative Caucus.

Breathe Easy Covington

October 31st, 2019|

Regional Alliance's participation with the BUILD grant is helping with the Breathe Easy Covington campaign. Breathe Easy is a community outreach and engagement program designed to communicate the health issues attributed to smoking, secondhand smoke and e-cigarettes. Click on the link to hear some of the Breathe Easy success stories:

Congratulations to our board member, Bob Heil!

September 18th, 2019|

We want to congratulate our board member, Bob Heil, for receiving the 2019 Walter R. Dunlevy Frontiersman Award at the NKY Chamber Annual Dinner on 9/5/2019! Thank you Bob for doing amazing things for our community!

New STEAM-focused high school opens doors in Boone County

August 20th, 2019|

Northern Kentucky Regional Alliance was proud to see the Ignite Institute open their doors last week and will stay involved in future development. This exciting new STEAM-based high school will allow students to build a skillset that can be put to work by employers throughout Northern Kentucky!

Shoreline transformation (finally) to begin

August 20th, 2019|

Northern Kentucky Regional Alliance has committed to driving financial and community support for the match grant needed for Phase 1 infrastructure grant through the Army Corp of Engineers for the Riverfront Commons project. It is exciting to see this project starting soon!

EXCLUSIVE: Regional Alliance to open unified location for NKY in Frankfort

July 10th, 2019|

Northern Kentucky Regional Alliance unveils the 1NKY Frankfort project! 418 Capital Avenue- will offer a branded location where organizations and businesses can convene, strategize, advocate and provide collective impact. This facility is within walking distance to the Capital and will help in providing a presence and unified voice on important issues.

BUILD NKY Health Challenge

July 23rd, 2018|

Northern Kentucky Regional Alliance and partner organizations join the BUILD Health Challenge to Reduce Smoking in Northern Kentucky.

IGNITE Institute Announcement

March 20th, 2018|

Northern Kentucky Regional Alliance teams with St. Elizabeth Healthcare and Duke Energy to support IGNITE INSTITUTE at Roebling Innovation Center

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